STEM – EN ESPAÑOL – Spring 2025

What is STEM? Science. Technology. Engineering. Math – Today, educators are linking these areas together in what is called STEM curriculum. STEM is much more than an acronym. STEM is a philosophy. STEM is a way of thinking about how we integrate knowledge across disciplines and encourage children to think in a more connected and holistic way.

What will the children do in STEM classes each week?
We will encourage learning through hands on activities that will increase critical thinking, exploring, reasoning skills and confidence. We will make simple questions turn into discoveries while expanding their vocabulary in Spanish!

We will expands the children’s science learning and lead them toward discovery by encouraging their natural curiosity; noticing what they are doing during play with water, shadow, or sand; and asking the right open ended WHAT questions like: What do you notice about how it’s moving? • What happened there? • What did you try? • What have you changed about what you are making? • What are some of the ideas you have talked about that you haven’t tried yet? • What have you seen other people trying? • What do you notice about ________? • What do you think will happen if we _______? “

STEM Buckhead

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STEM Emory

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